Intro : Research project



Mise-à-jour le 25 March 2024, moins d'une minute de lecture

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Global Employment Patterns L’intelligence artificielle au service de l’industrie et de la société How is the adoption of artificial intelligence technologies affecting employment patterns in different regions, and what are the social and economic implications? International Labour Organization (ILO); Technology Companies and Startups

Project ideas: Impact of AI in the American army Impact of AI in the Silicon Valley Benefits of using VR in the army

Potential questions

How can AI be used to enhance security in the American army

To what extent is AI beneficial to the United States in order

Faire une intro chatgpt, et dire regardez ce que l’IA peut faire, imaginez dans l’armée

What did I achieve today ?

I figured out that my question wasn’t specific enough and would confuse both me and the examiner

To what extent is AI beneficial to the Silicon Valley in the US_

How is artificial intelligence used in preventive flood protection systems in Florida

I should maybe have a question more specific about data, specially in California where specific data laws are in place

CCPA - California Specific

To what extent are the CCPA and CPRA useful for the Californians’ protection ?

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