10. Globalization at 3 scales. Uneven integration



Mise-à-jour le 25 March 2024, 2 minutes de lecture

Thème 2 : Dynamiques territoriales, coopérations et tensions dans la mondialisation

Globalization at 3 scales. Uneven integration

Local : City level. Cities as global hubs
National : Differences within the United States. Code Periphery
Regional : North America. USMCA Integration Intra regional

Nations aren't driving globalization, cities are
  • Global hub of integration (nodal point)

New York

  • 8.4 million inhabitatns in 2018, 8.2 million in 2020
  • More than 20 million in the metropolitan region
  • Immigration (37% foreign-born in NYC)
  • Services city
  • Many foreign-born people (immigrants)
    • They are very clustered
    • They live together, in their residential areas

Spatial characteristics of a global city

  • High rise buildings in the center (CBD - Central Buisness District)

Current issues in NYC

  • Relative poverty and inequality
  • Impacts of the covid pandemic
  • Working from home and out migration
  • Impacts of climate change


  • Resilience


  • Cities important hubs and drivers of globalization
  • Networks of global flows from major cities


Core periphery at different scales

I. US Core and peripheries

Main core of the US - Main core of the world

  • Northeast + Manufacturing belt

Growing integrated periphery

  • Sun Belt
  • Regions of major growth
  • Revitalized olf south by tourism

Periphery. Resources used by the core

  • Corn Belt and Great Plains
  • RPcky mountains, natural areas
  • Remote states

Globalization flows and core periphery

  • Export driven trade favours areas with …
  • Dominent core


  • High tech patterns


  • Clustering of activities

Intra regional flows

  • Flows across borders betwee, the US, Canada, and Mexico

Regional barriers to globalization

  • Lack of standardized transport infrastructure including material handling equipment for containers (ports, rail and road) making goods more expensive
  • Lack of capital, business expertise, investment opportunities
  • Lack of skilled labour, high labour costs, automation
  • Cultural differences
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