11. Unequal integration of countries in globalization at different scales



Mise-à-jour le 25 March 2024, moins d'une minute de lecture

Thème 2 : Dynamiques territoriales, coopérations et tensions dans la mondialisation

Unequal integration of countries in globalization at different scales

Global income and wealth inequality

  • The bottom 50% have only 2% of the world’s income
  • The top 10% have 76% of the world’s income

Semi Periphery to Core

  • Countries such as South Korea can now be seen to be part of the Core

Case study 1. Uneven globalization in Latin America

  • Physical geography
    • Advantages
      • Coast
    • Cultural
      • Colonisation
    • Resources
    • Infrastructure

Special Economic Zones (SEZs)

  • Allow more trade
  • Encourage companies to come in
  • China has the most SEZs (2543)

Decade Asian countries moving from the Periphery to the semi periphery


The two regions have different capabilities to adapt to global flows due to differences in

  • Physical geography and historical legacy
  • Transport infrastructure
  • SEZs and port development
  • Geopolitical structures
  • Geographic structures
  • Investment ineducation, technology, health
  • Resilience
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