For January 25



Mise-à-jour le 25 March 2024, 5 minutes de lecture

Segregation & Civil rights questions

In your textbook, please read pages 327-341 and answer the following questions:

  1. What methods did African Americans use to advance their case for civil rights?
  2. Why was legal segregation brought to an end by the mid-1960s?
  3. How far was the achievement of civil rights due to actions of African Americans?
  4. What do you regard as MLK’s main contribution to the civil rights movement? Explain your answer.

Your answers must be in the following format:

  • Straight answer (thesis statement format)
  • Bullet point arguments (at least 3) with illustrations.


1. What methods did African Americans use to advance their case for civil rights?

By utilizing various methods such as legal action, boycotts, protests, violence, and political action, the African Americans managed to advance their case for civil rights.

  • Legal action:
    • National Association for the Advancement of Colored People founded in 1909.
      • used the courts to challenge segregation.
      • won a number of important cases in the 1930s and 1940s.
      • won the Brown vs Board of Education case in 1954.
      • won the Montgomery Bus Boycott case in 1956.
  • Boycotts:
    • Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955.
    • Greensboro Sit-ins in 1960.
    • Freedom Rides in 1961.
  • Protests:
    • March on Washington in 1963.
    • Selma March in 1965.
  • Violence:
    • Black Panthers in 1966.
    • Riots
      • Watts in 1965
      • Detroit in 1967
      • Newark in 1967
      • Chicago in 1968
      • Washington DC in 1968.
  • Political action:
    • Voting rights campaigns.
    • Lobbying for legislative changes.
    • Running for political office.

Media : Power to the People poster produced by the Black Panthers 1960s

By challenging segregation through the civil rights movement, landmark Supreme Court decisions, legislation, and growing public support, legal segregation was brought to an end by the mid-1960s.

Legal segregation was brought to an end by the mid-1960s due to several factors:

  • Civil rights movement:
    • The civil rights movement gained momentum and put pressure on the government to take action.
    • Activists and organizations fought for equal rights and an end to segregation.
  • Supreme Court decisions:
    • Landmark Supreme Court decisions, such as Brown vs Board of Education, declared segregation unconstitutional.
    • These decisions set a precedent for dismantling segregation laws.
  • Legislation:
    • The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were passed, prohibiting segregation and ensuring equal rights for African Americans.
  • Public opinion:
    • Growing public support for civil rights and opposition to segregation influenced political decisions.
    • Protests, boycotts, and demonstrations raised awareness and mobilized public opinion against segregation.

Media : Rosa Parks

3. How far was the achievement of civil rights due to actions of African Americans?

By advocating for their rights through leadership, activism, legal battles, community mobilization, political engagement, and cultural impact, African Americans significantly contributed to the achievement of civil rights.

The achievement of civil rights was significantly due to the actions of African Americans. They played a crucial role in advocating for their rights and challenging segregation through various means:

  • Leadership and activism:
    • Well known figures such as Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, and Malcolm X led the civil rights movement and motivated others to take action.
    • African American activists organized protests, marches, and boycotts to demand equal rights and an end to segregation.
  • Legal battles:
    • African American lawyers and organizations, such as the NAACP, engaged in court battles to challenge segregation and discrimination.
  • Community mobilization:
    • African American communities came together to support the civil rights movement, providing resources, participating in demonstrations, and spreading awareness.
  • Political engagement:
    • African Americans actively participated in the political process, voting, running for office, and advocating for legislative changes to advance civil rights.
  • Cultural impact:
    • African American artists, musicians, and writers used their platforms to raise awareness about racial inequality and promote social change.

Media : NAACP engaging in court

4. What do you regard as MLK’s main contribution to the civil rights movement? Explain your answer.

By advocating for nonviolent resistance and providing leadership, Martin Luther King significantly contributed to the civil rights movement, shaping it into a powerful force for change and achieving significant legislative victories.

Martin Luther King’s main contribution to the civil rights movement was his leadership and fight for nonviolent resistance. He played a major role in advancing the cause of civil rights through his powerful speeches, strategies in organization, and commitment to peaceful protest. King’s philosophy of nonviolence inspired millions and helped shape the civil rights movement into a more generic force for change. His leadership during key events such as the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the March on Washington brought national attention to the struggle for racial and civil rights equality. King’s efforts led to significant legislative victories, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. His legacy continues to inspire activists fighting for justice and equality today.

Media : Martin Luther King delivers his “I have a dream” speech at the March on Washington in 1963.

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