

Mise-à-jour le 25 March 2024, 2 minutes de lecture

US Constitution

March 4, 1789

A living document - meaning changes over time and possible to amend

  • 2/3 Congress and 3/4 states to amend
  • Only 27 amendments since 1787

Federal system

Power is shared between the federal government and the states

Federal government

  • 3 branches
    • Legislative
    • Executive
    • Judicial
  • Checks and balances
    • Each branch has some control over the other branches
    • Prevents one branch from becoming too powerful
  • Separation of powers
    • Each branch has its own powers and responsibilities
    • Prevents one branch from becoming too powerful

A separation of powers


  • Legislative
    • Congress
      • Senate
      • House of Representatives
  • Executive
    • President
      • Vice president
  • Judicial
    • Supreme Court

Federal government : The executive branch

President + Vice president elected for a 4 year term

  • Nominates the officials to the executive branch
  • Commander in chief of the armed forces
  • Can veto laws passed by Congress
  • Can grant pardons
  • Can make treaties with foreign countries
  • Can appoint judges to the Supreme Court

Federal government : The Legislative Branch : Congress

  • Congress meets at the US Capitol in Washington DC to write, debate, and pass bills which will then be passed to the president for approval
  • States are represented differently by
    • Congressmen
    • Senators
  • Elections (every 2 year)


  • Step 1 : A charge of misconduct if filed against the president
  • Step 2 : House of Representatives : Majority vote
  • Step 3 : Senate : 2/3 vote

=> The president is removed from office if found guilty

Federal government : The Judicial Branch : Supreme Court

  • Consists of 9 justices
  • Appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate
  • Serve for life or until retirement
  • Interprets the laws and ensures their constitutionality
  • Has the power of judicial review
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