20. France/USA : Transborder flows



Mise-à-jour le 25 March 2024, 6 minutes de lecture

France/USA : Transborder flows

Table of content

Borders in France and the USA

America could learn from the EU’s open borders

  • The democrats are for open borders, which means crime
    • Trump
  • Immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than native-born Americans
  • The US has a long history of open borders
  • There is definitely a need for border security


  • Ukraine is betting on drones to strike deep into Russia
  • With the west dithering aout long-range munitions, drones offer an alternative
  • The drones are a way to strike back at Russia

If borders were open, a world of free movement would be 78$ trillion richer

  • Mexican labourers who migrate to the United States can expect to earn 150% more.
  • Unskilled Nigerians make 1000% more in the US than in Nigeria
  • The quickest way to eliminate poverty would be to allow people to leave the places where it persists
  • The world’s poor are being denied the chance to move to where they can be most productive

America could learn from the EU’s open borders

  • “If we don’t have borders, we don’t have a country”
    • Mr Donald Trump
  • Poland and Romania have open borders with more than 20 other EU countries, yet non-nationals from the EU make up only 0.6% and 0.9% of their respective populations
  • Spain has open borders with France and Portugal
    • The number of Spaniards living in France is 0.5% of the population
    • The number of French living in Spain is 0.3% of the population
  • The EU has a population of 500 million people

Comparison France and USA


  • 8 Land borders in Europe (not countring maritime borders)
  • Government centralised
  • EU : 4 flows
  • Schengen Area : Free Movement Area
  • EU : 28 countries
  • France : 67 million people


  • Two land borders (Many maritime borders)
  • Regional differences : Federal
  • USMCA : Free Trade Area
  • NAFTA : 3 flows

Transborder Regions, France, and the United States

  • Borders as barriers but also economic opportunities
  • France
    • Organisation
    • Transborder areas and the EU
    • Transport coordination
  • USA
    • Organisation
    • Transborder areas and NAFTA
    • Transport coordination

Boosting growth and cohesion in EU border regions

  • The EU has 40 internal land borders
  • Border regions generally perform less well economically than other regions within a member state
  • Access to public services such as hopitals and schools is generally more difficult in border regions
  • The EU has a budget of 1.1 billion euros to support cross-border cooperation

EU Governance

  • Reducing friction of flows

Tensions an Co-Operation

  • The US has a long history of open borders
  • There is definitely a need for border security


  • The NEXUS program allows pre-screened travelers expedited processing when entering the United States and Canada. Program members use dedicated processing lanes at designated northern border ports of entry, NEXUS kiosks when entering Canada by air and Global Entry kiosks when entering the United States via Canadian Preclearance airports. NEXUS members also receive expedited processing at marine reporting locations.

Cross Border Organisations

  • The International Boundary and Water Commission

Impact of transborder flows on territories

US Mexico border

  • The US-Mexico border is the most frequently crossed international border in the world

Maquiladora development in Mexico

  • US owned companies have built low cost assembly plants in Cuidad Juarez, Nuevo Laredo and Tijuana (factories called Maquiladora are foreign owned but employ local workers)
  • The plants are located in Mexico to take advantage of low wages and proximity to the US market
  • The plants assemble goods for export to the US

Evaluate the role of borders

80% say the US government is doing a bad job handling the migrant influx

A sizable majority of Americans (78%) say the U.S. government is doing a bad job handling the increased number of people seeking asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border, and 65% say the same about the government’s handling of the increased number of people coming to the U.S. illegally.

The public also expresses a desire for a more active U.S. role in addressing the situation in Central America that has led to the increased number of people coming to the U.S. from that region. About two-thirds (65%) say the U.S. should be doing more to help improve living conditions in Central American countries, while 34% say the U.S. is already doing enough to address the situation.

Policies in Transborder regions

  • High density population in border zones
  • Workers in transborder areas
  • Policy cooperation to reduce costs

Role of borders

Borders as barriers

  • Security and crime
  • Prevent irregular migrants
  • Maintain political sovereignty
  • Uphold environmental regulations
  • Maintain wage level and reduce unfair comperition
  • Maintaining investment and jobs
  • Cyber security and policing of fraud

Borders as opportunities

  • Maximise trade
  • Promote employment opportunities
    • Specialisation reducing costs
  • Minimise friction of flows
  • Minimise congestion, delays
  • Reduce extra costs

Tensions and Cooperation

  • EU policies on Ukraine
  • 3 year policy refugee policy agreed (unlike in 2015 on Syria)
  • Tension over level
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