

Mise-à-jour le 25 March 2024, 2 minutes de lecture


To what extent was LBJ’s presidency

Can talk about

Pentagon papers

  • 1971
  • Leaked by Daniel Ellsberg
  • Showed that the US government had been lying to the public about the Vietnam war

LBJ (Lyndon B. Johnson)

  • Presidency started in 1963
  • Ended in 1969
  • Use federal power to have a great society

Great Society

  • War on poverty
  • Civil rights
  • Education
  • Medicare

Vietnam war

  • 1964-1973
  • Gulf of Tonkin incident
    • US ships were attacked by the North Vietnamese
    • LBJ asked for a resolution to use military force
    • Congress gave him the power to do so
  • US involvement
  • LBJ’s role
    • He escalated the war
    • He was the one who asked for the resolution
  • The war was a disaster
    • 58 000 US soldiers died
    • 2M Vietnamese died
    • The US lost the war
Success Failure
Civil rights Vietnam war (impact in the US)
- Civil Rights Act - Escalation of the war
- Voting Rights Act - 58 000 US soldiers died
- Fair Housing Act - Impact in the US
Great society - War on poverty Outbreaks of riots
- Medicare - LA Watts 1965 / Detroit => inner city
- Education Violence
- Medicaid Student protests
- Head Start - Kent State 1970
- Food stamps - 4 students killed by the National Guard
- Job Corps - 9 wounded


  • 70s - Nickson
  • 80s - Reagan
  • 90s - Clinton

Plan : 1968

  • The year that went too far
  • Or not far enough ?
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