For october 16



Mise-à-jour le 25 March 2024, moins d'une minute de lecture

Key Allied Agreements / Summits during the second world war

Conferences :

Atlantic Charter

When : August 1941

Key Individuals involved

  • Roosevelt
  • Churchill

Key Commitments

  • No territorial gains
  • Self-determination
  • Free trade
  • Disarmament
  • Freedom of the seas
  • International cooperation

Tehran Conference

When : November 1943

Key Individuals involved

  • Roosevelt
  • Churchill
  • Stalin

Key Commitments

  • Opening of a second front in Europe
  • USSR to join the war against Japan
  • Post-war spheres of influence in Europe

Breton Woods

When : July 1944

Key Individuals involved

  • Roosevelt
  • Churchill

Key Commitments

  • Creation of the IMF
  • Creation of the World Bank
  • Creation of the GATT
  • Monetary stability


When : February 1945

Key Individuals involved

  • Roosevelt
  • Churchill
  • Stalin

Key Commitments

  • Germany divided into 4 zones
  • Berlin divided into 4 zones
  • Free elections in Eastern Europe
  • USSR to join the war against Japan

San Francisco

When : April 1945

Key Individuals involved

  • Roosevelt
  • Churchill
  • Stalin

Key Commitments

  • Creation of the United Nations


When : July 1945

Key Individuals involved

  • Truman
  • Churchill
  • Stalin

Key Commitments

  • Germany divided into 4 zones
  • Berlin divided into 4 zones
  • Free elections in Eastern Europe
  • USSR to join the war against Japan
  • Continuation of the Yalta agreements
  • Denaziification of Germany
    • More tensions resulting in the cold war
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