

Mise-à-jour le 25 March 2024, 3 minutes de lecture

Prompt Read the document "1. The rise of the new American Right" on the class drive and answer the following questions :

What is the Sunbelt and how did it change the political climate in the US?

The Sunbelt refers to the southern and southwestern states of the United States. The sun belt has a warm climate and rapid population growth. The migration of people to the Sunbelt region led to a shift in political power and influence, as these states became more conservative and Republican-leaning.

What was the Sagebrush Rebellion and its impact?

The Sagebrush Rebellion was a movement in the western states that sought to transfer control of federal lands to state and local governments. It had a significant impact on the debate over land use and resource management, highlighting tensions between environmental conservation and economic development.

Explain Suburban Conservatism?

Suburban Conservatism is the political ideology and voting patterns of residents in suburban areas. Suburban conservatives often prioritize issues such as lower taxes, limited government intervention, and traditional family values. They have played a crucial role in shaping electoral outcomes.

In what way was religion revived and how was it linked to the rise of conservatism? Detail the example of Evangelical Christians (who were they and how did this contribute to the rise of conservatism?)

Religion was revived through a revival of religious activism and engagement in public life. Evangelical Christians, in particular, played a significant role in the rise of conservatism. They emphasized traditional moral values, opposed social changes such as abortion and same-sex marriage, and mobilized politically to promote their beliefs.

Moral Majority and Christian Coalition

  • The Moral Majority and Christian Coalition were influential conservative Christian political organizations.
  • They called to mobilize religious voters and promote conservative values in politics.
  • These organizations played a crucial role in shaping the political landscape and policy debates during the rise of conservatism.

What was the New Right and what impact did it have on the rise of conservatism?

  • The New Right refers to a conservative political movement that emerged in the late 1970s and 1980s.
  • It emphasized:
    • Limited government
    • Free-market economics
    • Traditional social values
  • The New Right had a significant impact on the rise of conservatism, shaping policy agendas and electoral strategies.

What was the “Tax Revolt”

The “Tax Revolt” was a movement that emerged following the passage of Proposition 13 in California in 1978. Proposition 13 was a vote initiative that reduced property taxes and imposed limitations on future tax increases. This launched a wave of taxpayer dissatisfaction and led to similar tax reduction movements in other states.

It represented a large sentiment of frustration with high taxes and government spending, and it played a significant role in shaping the political landscape of the time. It also contributed to the rise of conservatism by highlighting the issue of fiscal responsibility and limited government intervention.

Explain how Reagan led the Campaign of 1980.

  • Reagan led the Campaign of 1980 by promoting a conservative platform that emphasized:
    • Lower taxes
    • Reduced government regulation
    • Strong national defense
  • He appealed to traditional values and sought to restore American pride and confidence.
  • Reagan’s campaign was successful in:
    • Mobilizing conservative voters
    • Attracting support from a wide range of Americans
  • This led to his victory in the 1980 presidential election.
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