

Mise-à-jour le 25 March 2024, 8 minutes de lecture

1. Introduction & key terms

Key terms Globalization : Increased interconnectedness of the world (economically, politically, culturally)

Inequality : Unequal distribution of wealth, income, opportunities, etc. within a society Measured with the Gini coefficient

What does it bring to the US? Economic, innovation, and technology leadership, cultural influence

Weaknesses : Job displacement, income inequality, vulnerability to economic shocks

1% of income earners hold over 29% of the country’s wealth, while the bottom

Role of trade

USMCA (old name : NAFTA)

Ignites intra regional export growth

Mexico & Canada are the US principal export countries


  • Time space compression
  • Negociated barriers : importing fees and tarrifs

Sun belt region

  • Rapide growth in service and energy sectors
    • Texas, Florida
  • Proximity to major energy markets (Mexico and the Gulf Coast)
  • Great democraphic and economic growth
    • Due to migration from rust belt of “Rust Belt Exodus”

Rust Belt

  • Rich industrial and manufacturing legacy
    • In states like Ohio, Illinois, and Michigan
  • Suffered great demographic and economic losses with deindustrialization + globalization
    • Due to outsourcing of manufacturing jobs to China and Mexico
    • Increased labor cost, lack of job opportunities led to mass migration to Sun Belt

Regional inequalities & differences of the US

  • Uneven presence of global economic hubs
  • Positive impact of Globalization on certain economic activities
  • Environmental disparities : natural disasters
  • Unemployment due to offshoring
  • Housing and cost of living
  • Homelessnes

Russia Case

Historical contaxt of Russia’s integration into globalization

  1. Post soviet era and Economic restructuring
    • Change and transition => earkt 1990s
    • Not uniform across regions
  2. Emergence of Capitalist Elements and Market-Oriented reforms
    • Capitalist elements + market-oriented reforms
    • Privatization of enterprises, liberalization of trade, adoption of market-driven policies
    • Varying degrees of success + impact across different regions

Unequal economic integration

Disparities between Moscow and other regions

  • Economic hub of Russia, higher economic development
  • Foreign direct investment
  • Infrastructure, job opportunities, and economic prosperity

Ressource-rich regions vs resource-poor regions

  • Regional differences in terms of natural resource
  • Oil and gas-rich areas = higher economic development
  • Resource-poor regions = economic challenges
  • Regional disparities in wealth, development + and living standards

Economic cooperation

  • Increase international trade and investment and encourages free flows of goods, services, and capital

Unequal integration in globalization

Area of focus: Southeast Asia


Geographical location

  • Coastal facades
    • Most of the trade and goods are shipped through sea routes
  • Ressources
    • Raw materials
    • Hydrocarbons


  • Developed countries
    • Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand
  • Developing countries
    • Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar
  • Development Wealth Integration
  • A developed country will naturally grow richer and therefore will be more integrated


  • A politically stable country will attract more investments

Workforce / Quality

  • Workforce and quality of goods exchanged in global market


Effects of unequal globalization

Economic disparities

  • Wealth inequality
    • Concentration of economic benefits in certain countries of urban centers, exacerbating income and wealth disparities between nations and within societies
  • Unequal distribution of wealth and income
  • Development disparities
  • Example : Timor Leste VS Singapore
    • Timor Leste : 1.3% of the population lives below the poverty line
    • Singapore : 0.0% of the population lives below the poverty line

Dependency on neighbouring countries

  • Imbalanced trade relationships (economic interdependencies)
  • Resource dependencies
    • Not only trade but also in term of resources
  • Infrastructure development
    • Countries with limited resources may rely on other countries to develop their infrastructure

Political and Stability challenges

  • Uneven economic development can lead to internal tensions
  • Foreign policy influenced by major economies (USA + China)
    • These countries can take advantage of the situation, and make the less developped countries dependant
    • They help with the access to globalization, but as a result we are dependant on them
      • Ex : They use our labor force
  • Brain drain
    • People having diplomas leave the country for a better life / more opportunities

Case Study


  • Maritime hub
  • 4rth largest financial center globally
  • 2nd largest container port
  • 600 ports worldwide
  • 400 airports worldwide
  • 3rd globally for GDP per capita
  • 5th largest recipient of FDI
  • Pivot role as a relay platform in the oil supply chain


  • Near Vietnam & Thailand
  • Benefits from the river, but uneasy to use due to the irregular flow


  • Economic stagnation
  • Limited foreign investment
  • Lack of access to international markets, thoguh it has a strategic location (sea access)
  • Low GDP
  • Poverty
  • Limited access to technology


  • Limited infrastructure
  • Politica and regulatory environment
  • Income inequality


  • Poverty and inequality
  • Dependency on neighboring countries

GDP per capita can be compared on WorldBank

Unequal integration of globalization in the US

Exploring Regional and National disparities

USA context

Northeast Midwest West South
Strengths : Economic powerhouse with major financial centers and leading industries Strengths : Historical industrial strength Strengths : Technological innovation and economic growth hubs Strengths : Economic development and cultural richness
Weaknesses : High cost of living, contributing to income inequality Weaknesses : Economic challenges due to deindustrialization No data No data

Regional belts : Rust belt

Once the industrial and manufacturing heartland, the Rust Belt sppans parts of the Midwest and Northeast, including cities like Detroit and Cleveland

Challenges : Deindustrialization has led to economic decline, job losses, and population outflow

Adaptation : Efforts are underway to diversify industries, invest in technology, and revitalize urban areas

Demographic Diversity & Effects


  • Migration from Rust Belt to Sun Belt
  • Migration from rural to urban areas

Inequalities : National Scale

Leads to economic growth


  • Economic growth
  • Consumer choices
  • Lead in innovation and technology
  • Resource access for industries


  • Income inequalities
    • 1% of income earners hold over 29% of the country’s wealth, while the bottom 50% hold only 1% of the country’s wealth
  • Job displacement
  • Loss of domestic industries

Inequalities : Region Scale

How has globalization furthered inequalities at the regional scale ?

  • Apparition of growth poles within regions
    • Suburbanization and urban sprawl
    • Resource centers of the region
  • Unequal access to healthcare
  • Food deserts and disamenity zones
  • Unequal access to education
  • Economic divies and gentrification
  • Unequal access to technology

Apparition of Growth Poles within Regions

  • Suburbanization and urban sprawl
  • Concentration of resources and economic activities in specific areas within a region

Unequal Access to Healthcare

  • Disparities in healthcare infrastructure and services
  • Limited access to quality healthcare facilities in certain regions

Food Deserts and Disamenity Zones

  • Areas with limited access to affordable and nutritious food
  • Presence of environmental hazards and lack of amenities in certain regions

Unequal Access to Education

  • Disparities in educational resources and opportunities
  • Limited access to quality schools and educational programs in certain regions

Economic Divides and Gentrification

  • Unequal distribution of wealth and income within regions
  • Displacement of lower-income residents due to gentrification and rising property prices

Unequal Access to Technology

  • Disparities in access to digital infrastructure and internet connectivity
  • Limited availability of technology resources and digital skills in certain regions
Disponibilité & Aide

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